Addiction Posts
You can find my addiction posts here and pick which ones you need to read.
I hope you find some help here and some hope. If you ever need someone to talk to, feel free to email me at or leave a comment at the bottom of the post.
Having a loved one that is addicted is devastating, and so hard to live with. I’ve lived with this for like 6 years, at least. There’s a lot I haven’t even written about. I don’t know, I might. It’s not that easy to write and think about what all has happened in my life and my kids lives.
I’ve never even mentioned, yet, that I had an older daughter that was also addicted to Heroin. That has changed, at least for now. But there’s a lot I could say about that too. I don’t like to think about all this every day. I’m sure you know what I mean. Although it’s in the back of my mind all the time.
And they both have a little brother that was around all that went on. I’ve never talked about that either. He’s 16 now and is doing really well. I pray he doesn’t ever get curious and try something. He did smoke pot a few times though, a while back. But that’s for another time.
So, anyway, I hope you find some useful posts here.
You Can Change The Stigma Of Drug Addiction
120 People Die From This Every Day! – The President’s Plan
Heroin, Cocaine, Morphine was in Medicine In The 1800’s and Later
Statistics Of Prescription Drug Abuse
Recovery Books For Addicts and Parents
The Beginning of My Nightmare Part 1
Another Nightmare Began Part 2
Have You Ever Woke Up To A Gun Pointed At You?
Pharmaceutical Co. Gets Sued For Lying About Oxycontin
If You Have A Disease Should You Go To Jail Or A Center For Help
With The Help Of My Daughter In Jail, I Got Through Christmas
Depression Isn’t Going To Control Me Today, Do You Think You Have It?
I Fought As Hard As I Could Today But Still Lost – Depression
I Visited My Daughter In Jail Last Night
How To Get Through Holidays With Your Child In Jail For Drug Use
Mother Served Alcohol To 13 Year Olds Part 1
Mother Served Alcohol To 13 Year Olds Part 2
Dear Anonymous Drug Addict (A Letter Of Hope)
My Life, My Regrets and Drug Addiction Part 1
My Life, My Regrets and Drug Addiction Part 2
Recognize The Symptoms of Drug Abuse and Addiction
Would You Leave Your Daughter In Jail for Addiction?
Are You A Co-Addict
Rehab and All Addictions
14 Year Old Dies After Huffing Computer Cleaner
Thank you for stopping by! I will be writing more soon! Remember, you’re not alone! There’s always hope!

Owner at Mom 'N Daughter Savings
I am a SAHM.My youngest is 16 now.I have 5 kids in all.We've lived in Georgia now for almost four years.We moved here from Ohio for my husband's job.I love blogging and writing about my passions.I do reviews and giveaways and I try to get homeless animals new homes.
My story is also here about loving addicts, recipes, and crafts.
My story is also here about loving addicts, recipes, and crafts.
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I have a daughter that goes between staying clean to “going off the wagon” for most of her life and as a result I’ve had the hand in raising both my grandsons. While she has stayed clean for about 2 yrs now, her oldest son has preferred to live with me – he is 14 now and I believe that it has nothing to do with him loving his mom, as it has to do with him not trusting her. She has been doing this all his life and I think that since I came to the rescue all the time, he just feels safer with me. This has been, and still continues to be such a vicious cycle and it’s heartbreaking – having to choose to help your child or take care of your grandchildren that can’t help themselves.
I’m sorry to hear about your situation. It sounds like you’re doing all you can! We can only do so much! Good luck! Let me know, if I can do anything for you.
Like many others, I am well familiar with having an addicted child. Although she is now grown with three children of her own she struggles daily with staying on the course. I will never understand the addictions, but I will put forward that although the issues may be unrelated she was a victim of intense bullying during her early teens. There was intense peer pressure. It has been several months since you have posted, and I hope for you that means all is going well.
I read the letter to that the Mom wrote to her son about hope with his drug addiction. I have a 35 year old son that almost fits this. Started in High School, the first year, the pressure to fit in got him started. Before this he was in a program called “The Police Explorer”. He loved it , he hated drinking, drugs and wanted to make a difference. I was so proud. Then High School, slowly slipping into heavier drugs. Even prescription drugs which in some cases I guess are worst. I think of him as a toddler and I smile Long curly blonde hair, hugs to me. Oh how my heart aches.
The lies that come with addiction, stealing, the whole mess makes me sick. I keep asking myself , what or where die I go wrong? I find many reasons to take the blame. But I love the boy that I carried, delivered , loved and cared for so much. He is my only child. Holidays go by, I do not see him. The chances I have gave him are too many to count. I just keep praying and praying and praying. It’s in God’s hands as I am too tired of getting my hopes up and most the time knowing deep inside , I am setting up for another scar of pain and hurt on my heart…..I pray for all the families of drug addicts as I know it is more then we can handle…..It’s our flesh and blood…Thanks
Kathleen Quinlan recently posted..A Gift Guide Giveaway – Kids, Mom ($111)
Hi Kathleen,
I know exactly how you feel! I’m going through it too. I hope the best for him. I pray for my daughter all the time. If you ever want to talk, let me know. Sounds like we have a lot in common. Good luck to you! My heart goes out to you!
Hi, My Name is Jana & I Hope you are having a Great Day Today! I Just Recently Found your Website through the Giveaway Linkies! I Really Applaud all the Work you do with Animals, Mental Health, Addiction, and So Many Other Things that I Not Even Mentioned! I was in a Motorcycle Wreck about 8 years ago and I Have had One Problem after Another it Seems Since then b/c before the Age of 26 I Never had Any Aches or Pains! Now, I am in Constant Pain Morning, Noon, & Night and the Only thing that Gets me Through it is My Amazing Family, My Wonderful Pets, & the Good Lord Above! I went to School to become an Esthetician and I got a Job Working in a Spa and I Loved it! I Loved Making People Feel Beautiful & Confident and I Was a Good at My Job; it was like I was Born to do that! When I was in that Motorcycle Wreck on Halloween Night I Know Angels had to be Looking Over me b/c I Got Hurt but I Know I Could have been Dead! The Roads were Damp from when it had Recently Rained & My Friend that was Driving was Going Way Faster than He Should Have Been! Well the Doctor put me on Pain Medication and it Seemed to Help so I Went back to Work! Well I Started taking More & More of the Medication to get the Same Effects then the Doctor just Took me Off of the Meds just Like that! Well by then I was Addicted and the Pain was Bad not only from the Withdrawal but from the Wreck! I hurt my Head & Neck Pretty Bad and I Would do Anything from Drinking to Cocaine to Numb the Pain! So I Could No Longer Work b/c On Top of My Pain I Developed Many More Medical Problems such as: Arachnoid Cysts, an Aneurysm, Several Bulging & Herniated Discs, Headaches & Dizziness, Fibromyalgia, Auto Immune Arthritis, IBS, & Hypothyroidism! I Finally Found Something that Helped and that was Methadone but I have been on it a long time and it Does Not Help the Way it Used to but it Would Probably Be Twice as Bad Without it! I Have No Intention of Being on it the Rest of my Life but Since I don’t have Insurance & I am Trying to get on Medicaid but it’s Extremely Hard Nowadays, especially Since I Don’t have Kids! I Hope to Feel Better Once they Perform all of the Necessary Surgeries b/c I Want a Normal Happy Life with a Husband & Kids! I Live with my Parents at the Moment b/c I am in Constant Pain & Can/t Work; It is Hard Relying on them Again & I Miss Work! My Parents have been So Patient & Loving and I am So Grateful for them! I Have Always been a Woman of God but I Have a Stronger Relationship with Him Now! I Just Want to be Pain Free & Happy! I Just Wanted to Introduce Myself & to Tell You I Think it’s Very Wonderful Offering Support to Everyone Like you Do! I Have Felt Extremely Close to All Animals my Whole Life and if there is One thing aside from My Family & God that I am Passionate about it’s Animals! I have 3 Pets, All Rescues; 2 Cats Named Zoey & Jasper and 1 Dog Named Lexie! Lexie is a 13 yr Old 95lb Husky/Shepherd Mix and She is my Child! I Call her my Angel b/c She Came into my Life when I needed Her the Most1 I Don’t have the Financial Means to Support the Charities that I Feel Strongly About! I Still Help Any Way I Can like Donating Goods like Newspapers, Blankets/Towels, or Dog/Cat Food to Animal Shelters! I Even Volunteer When I Can; the Animals Like to have Someone Play with them or Walk them! The Number One Thing I Do Every Single Day is Give My Voice to Support Animal Causes, Signing Petitions for All Animals Well Being! I Also Go to Greater Good Sites or Free Kibble Website and Click Everyday to Feed Animals; For Every Time you Click they Will Donate Food or Meds to an Animal in Need! People don’t Realize that there are Others Ways to Help those that Can’t Help Themselves by Giving them a Voice! I Think what you are Doing to Help People & Animals Alike is Very Heroic & Considerate; Not Many People Exist Today Like That! So Thank You Again for All of Your Work to Help Others! Thanks & I am Following You on Social Media Sites! Sorry This is So Long but I Wanted to Tell you So you Would Know Why What you Do is So Important to Me! Have a Blessed Day! Jana Williams
I’m so sorry to hear what you’re going through. I sure hope you get to feeling better soon! Thank you so much for this comment. I’m wondering why your doctor didn’t wean you off the pain meds, slowly. Then withdrawal wouldn’t have been so bad. I’m sure your parents want you to stay with them while you need to. I know, I’d do the same thing. It’s wonderful to hear that what I write about may help others. Your animals sound great! I know what you mean about helping them in other ways, clicks, etc. I try to promote some of those. And yes pets are like having kids. They can be so comforting and loving. And don’t be sorry, it’s not at all too long. I really love hearing from people! Sending prayers your way..