Parenting And Facebook – What To Tell Your Kids
Are you worried someone may bully them or an old pervert might talk to them?
There’s some good tips here!

“There is nothing good that can happen on Facebook for a 10-year-old,” says Sam Wildt, a Worcester, Massachusetts, father of three. Wildt and his wife, Jill, have decided to nix the notion of a Facebook page for their 10-year-old eldest son, who insists that all his friends are on the social media site. “We’re trying to hold steady until 12,” Jill says. “Both Sam and I feel that was an age when we started to digest how things in the world work.”
Her reason: She is extremely cautious about any family information getting out into the public. “I was an intelligence specialist in the Marine Corps,” Jill says. “I’m paranoid as it is.”
Another reason for concern: Jill and Sam are very active on Facebook. Sam has almost 1,900 friends and lots of activity—much of it to support the family’s business, Palomar Printing. “Sam and I are Facebook nuts,” Jill says. “Our kids see how exciting it is for us. But right now, we’re trying to scale back so we can teach our kids that it’s not that important.”
Real Dangers Online?
So what is the right age to let your kids have their own Facebook page? The site’s age requirement is 13, and the company will rip down any page they learn is owned by someone younger. But ultimately, parents decide what happens in their homes, and the magic age at which a page is allowed is up for debate.
At the root of the debate are disagreements about the dangers of Facebook. On one hand, Kathryn Rose, author of The Parent’s Guide to Facebook: Tips and Strategies to Protect Your Children on the World’s Largest Social Network ($10.99 at Barnes & Noble), urges caution. “There are lots of pedophiles out there, and it doesn’t take them long to find kids,” says Rose, who is the mom of a 4-year-old and an infant. “Facebook is the world’s largest online playground. You wouldn’t let your kids loose on a real playground.”
Rose says that she herself—a married mom—frequently gets romantic Facebook solicitations. “You’re so beautiful. Let’s talk,” read a recent message from someone whose profile picture was that of a handsome middle-aged man. “Imagine what a 14-year-old girl would think if she received that,” Rose says.
And then there are the cyberbullying-related child suicides, such as the 2006 death of 13-year-old Megan Meier, who hanged herself after being taunted on MySpace. And all the other poor children that thought they had no other choice.
Or Are They Exaggerated?
On the other hand, Lenore Skenazy, author of Free-Range Kids, How to Raise Safe, Self-Reliant Children (Without Going Nuts With Worry) ($11.53 at Barnes & Noble), says that though she didn’t allow her two teenage sons to have Facebook pages until they were 13, she thinks that it makes sense to lower the site’s age requirement. “The idea that the virtual world is crawling with people who want to have virtual sex with your child is as off as the idea that a child cannot walk to school because there is a pervert behind every bush,” says Skenazy. “Facebook is this generation’s communication tool just like the telephone was our generation’s tool. If this is the way they find a pickup basketball game or get homework help, why would we prohibit that?”
A few years ago, Skenazy wrote a Daily Beast article called “The Myth of Online Predators.” The feature dissects statistics from the Crimes Against Children Research Center at the University of New Hampshire, which found that “one in seven juveniles will be solicited online.” The majority of these solicitations are what researcher David Finkelhor calls the equivalent of “wolf whistles.” Skenazy writes:
As uncomfortable as these comments might make us feel as parents, they’re absolutely nothing new. Do your children leave the house occasionally? Then they’ve probably heard similar comments many times before. The reason this type of lechery gets so much attention when it happens online, Finkelhor believes, is that it serves as “revealing ink”—typed out, visible evidence of something that has always gone on, more or less unnoticed. “So, for example,” says Finkelhor, “when your daughter is walking to school with her friend, you don’t see every motorist who leers at them.” On the Internet, you do, because the leering appears as words on a screen. This makes the hoots and hollers seem more menacing. But are they evidence that online child predators are a big threat?
Regardless of the age at which you allow your child to get a Facebook page, both Skenazy and Rose agree that rules of engagement apply. Here are a few guidelines:
• Have a talk with them. Lots of talks. Talk about sex and dating and bullying. Rules for the playground, school and friends’ homes, apply online.
• In your house, you own the password.
• Teach them that everything they post online can be found by anyone—perhaps forever.
• Educate them about the legal and social consequences of cyberbullying.
• Create a written agreement about social media terms. This includes what content your child is allowed to post, time spent on the site each day or week, and the protocol in the event that strangers contact them. Rose’s book contains a sample agreement.
So, what do you think? How old will your child have to be to have a Facebook page?

High school age. I see too many tweens and younger having them. They have to lie about their age to even get one. I’m just afraid some creep would take advantage of that.
no, not until they are about 12-13, they have weirdos on here too, kids need to read books, go outside, not sit at a computer all day.
social networks, unless specified for kids should not be used by kids.
I don’t have an issue with my stepdaughter or nieces having a Facebook account. However, the reason that I don’t have an issue with it is because my sister and I both monitor our kids’ accounts. That’s the rule. We have to be able to access it at any time. We’ve both also explained to our kids the dangers of being on sites like this and what to watch out for. My stepdaughter has had her account for over a year now and we haven’t had a single issue. My sister hasn’t reported any either, so I think we’ve handled it well. We figured it was better than them sneaking behind our backs to make their own pages.
Shawna recently posted..Comment on Love Diamond Candles? Check Out This #DCGiveaway! by Alicia Keen
My daughter is 15 and she has one. She has had one for a few years, but it was private for the 1st few years and only available to a few close friends and family. She also didn’t have her password for the first year or two and I had to log her in if she wanted to get on Facebook. I think it worked pretty well.
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Great article. I let my 10 year old have Facebook to play Farmville only. The only friends he has on there is me, his dad, and brother, and I monitor it daily.
Beverly Abrego recently posted..
In my opinion a child should NOT have a facebook page! I think they should be at least 14 and monitored! What is there on facebook for a child? NOTHING!
Sandra R recently posted..Diamond Candles Giveaway (2 Winners) (July 11 – July 20th)
This is a problem I’ve had in my own home…. I’m glad someone else is saying all the worries I’ve had myself…
My kids may hate me, but when they get older they will not be allowed to have a fb until 17, or a cell phone, bofriends etc!!
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