How Much Do You Spend On Pet Products?
This infographic shows a lot of different things we do and don’t do when it comes to our pets.

According to this, 96% of us would either go without, ourselves, or borrow money to take care of our pets. I’m sure I’m one of those! I would do anything if one of my dogs or my cat or bird really needed something. How about you?
A lot of us use “human” products on them too. Especially paper towels. Well, those are for cleaning up their messes. Although my youngest dog loves to get a hold of a roll of toilet paper and tear it up!

According to this, not that many people shop online for pets. I’m really surprised at that. I find things for less money most of the time online. So I always start online when I need to shop for one of them. I would think most people would.
Over half of us that took this survey, wrap our pets Christmas presents. Probably birthday too. I love checking out pet products and letting everyone know which ones are the best.
So, what about you? Do you shop online for them, do you wrap their presents?
I hope you enjoyed this fun, interesting infographic! Thanks for stopping by! Please leave me any comments! I love hearing from all of you!

Hi Jody,
I thought it was interesting that most people do not shop online. I got to thinking about the way I shop for our pets and we don’t spend a lot of time shopping online. It just seems quicker to run over to petsmart. As a new pet blogger, I may be changing my habits on that one =)
Liz recently posted..Wordless Wednesday: Getting Down to Business
Great info graphic isn’t it!! I was amazed at the results and now know, yay, I’m not one of the few

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