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Foldio Promo Code.
This is NOT a sponsored post, I’ve worked with Photojojo before and she just gave me this for all of us!
Take awesome photos of your food, crafts, brands and much more. This Foldio unfolds to a 10.2″ photo studio with lights. Then when you’re done, it folds up for easy storage!
Photojojo has generously given me a promo code for all my blogger friends. It’s normally $49.99, get it now for $35!
It is easy to switch out the included black, white and gray backdrops for impeccable pics.Included is a 9 Volt Battery.

Foldio at the Photojojo Store!
Make your own backdrops with any paper or fabric, like a green screen to do stop motion videos.

Foldio at the Photojojo Store!
Built-in LED strip sheds even light on your subject!
I already ordered mine and I can’t wait to use it!

Foldio at the Photojojo Store!
Just go to their site and order with the Promo Code JodyMomNDaughter in the Gift Code Box!
If there’s something else you want from their site, get $5 off with this code: Momndaughter14
These expire on 7/5
I just discovered they have run out of this but they WILL ship mid-June! So get your order in before it happens again!
I hope you enjoy this! I can’t wait!