Is Your Dog Potty Trained?
If not, the Train ‘N Praise Potty Training system can get him/her trained to not go on your floors.
This will work for a puppy or an older dog, either one. They get a treat when they go on the pad!
My dog is two years old and still goes in the house on occasion. (We have wood floors, thank goodness). But of course, I still want her to go outside. I received the Train ‘N Praise Potty Training System from PetSafe for review. And boy, am I glad! Because it worked! She’s going on the pad now to get a treat!

At first I would put her on the pad, have her sit and then I’d give her a bone. Then I put the treats in the dispenser and used the remote to give her one. She got used to that very quickly. After she ate, I would wait about a half hour and then put her on there and I say “go potty”. At first she didn’t do it, so no treat. I put her on the leash and made her stay with me, then when she would start to go on the floor, I’d run her over to the pad. So she’d end up going on there, and getting a treat.
I also put her on the pad first thing in the morning and make her stay there until she went. Then a treat would come out and she loved that! I’m home all day so I would watch her and when she got a drink, I’d wait a little bit then put her on there again. If she started to go on the floor, I’d pick her up and put her on the pad again, and wait until she went. I just kept doing this for the last two weeks.
Then one day I was sitting on the couch and she walked in the room where the pad is, so I got up to watch her. And she went! She loves that she gets a treat every time. She tried to get a treat out without going, but that didn’t work. She caught on, and figured out if she went potty, she’d get a treat.
The Train ‘N Praise Potty Training System totally works! If you have a dog that’s not trained to go out or on a pad, you should get this! Some dogs probably won’t take as long as mine did, and some might take longer. But, it works!
You can use small treats or kibble. If you need a larger area covered, you can use up to 10 pads with one dispenser. You just need a clip for each one. So you can buy as many as you need. I received a clip, a remote, the dispenser and 10 pads. Now if you want to teach them other things, you can use the remote. You can put the dispenser on the wall or just on the floor. It comes with 4 AA batteries for the dispenser, and 2 3-volt lithium batteries for the clip and remote.
My dog always goes crazy when the door bell rings, so now I’m training her to stop that. I use the remote so she can get a treat when she sits and stops barking. I just love this! It’s fun and she loves it too! And I’m finally getting her to listen!
The pads have 6 layers for floor protection, so my floor does stay dry. They got the “Beckers Best Reward” at the Global Pet Expo and now I know why! Just be consistent and your dog will learn to listen and do what you want.
I recommend this training system to anyone that has any age dog that isn’t house broke! It really works and it’s easy to use!
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