Have You Ever Woke Up To A Gun Pointed At You?
They were standing inside at my front door with their guns pointed at me.
I was awakened with yelling.

This is not our house, but it looks a lot like it. It’s just a photo I’m using for example
It was about 7:00 A.M. and I was sound asleep. All of a sudden I was awakened with yelling. I looked out my bedroom door and their was police standing inside my front door, pointing guns in. They didn’t even knock, just came in!! I walked back in the bedroom to carry my dog with me. And they started yelling again, “Get Out, Come Out, NOW!” I walked back out trying to carry my dog. He’s a little heavy and since I had just woke up, I could barely carry him.
I was getting closer to the door and they kept yelling at me to come out! I said “I’m trying, he’s heavy,! If I let him go, he’ll bite you!” So I finally got outside and they were searching my husband up against our car. He was just leaving for work when they pulled in. And my three kids were sitting on the ground up against the garage.
I knew all of this had something to do with my daughter, she’s a drug addict. The Swat Team Leader said they were looking for a guy she knew. They were all over the front yard and I saw some out back. I knew he wasn’t here, so I thought as soon as they searched and didn’t find him, they’d be leaving. Well that didn’t happen!
All of our neighbors were leaving for work and driving by! I felt pretty bad about that! They had my daughter handcuffed. And the rest of us were just sitting on the ground. We weren’t allowed back in until they searched the downstairs.
When they finished the downstairs, we went back in and sat in the living room. We weren’t allowed to get up for any reason. If we had to use the restroom we had to ask. Then they would take our phones while we went in there. The Swat team left and just some cops were here. They were still searching. I didn’t know why because they said they were looking for that guy.
Well they had a warrant to search our house for drugs. The lieutenant was pretty nice and said they searched as if it’s their own houses, and they don’t leave messes. Well their houses must be a horrible mess! Everything was! There were clothes and just everything out of drawers and just thrown. So we had to clean the whole house when they left.
But wait, more happened! They took each one of us out on the deck to question us. They asked me if I did drugs or if anyone smokes pot in the house. I said, no, not at all! That was the truth! My daughter was using heroin and meth at the time. They found pot hidden in the bathroom. (I guess she was doing that too).
When they found that, their whole attitude changed, a lot! It was just a tiny bit in a baggie. The lieutenant started accusing us of all sitting around and smoking together. Even my 16 year old son! And my older daughter. I was furious! I kept telling him that was just not true! He didn’t seem to believe me, so I told him to give us a drug test! But he didn’t. They questioned all of us, except my son. But I know they thought we were all smoking together!
My husband had been drinking coffee, so kept asking to go to the restroom and kept telling him, “not right now”. I don’t know why he did that. Just being a jerk. He was inside talking to all of us about whose pot that was. He kept accusing my husband and I! It wasn’t ours!
My daughter admitted to them that the pot was hers. She was handcuffed the whole 2 or 3 hours they were here. She had been in trouble before and they knew she was using. They must have been watching our house, because they knew that guy was here before, several times.
We found out later she had some other people over here too. They would go in the basement from the outside door later at night. So we didn’t even know about it! Apparently at least some of them, were dealers. That’s why they were here! Plus we think they wondered if we were making meth!
After they trashed our house, they took my daughter into custody for possession. So we spent the rest of the day cleaning up after them. Needless to say, we were terribly upset. I mean, the Swat Team was at our house!!! In my worst nightmares I NEVER imagined that would happen to us! I pray you never wake up to a gun pointed at you!
Just to let you know, my daughter is in re-hab now for the next 9 months. Thank God! If you have an addict in your life, feel free to ask me anything! And I have more posts about how this effects us at the top of the page. Also, I’m in a FB group for support for this, it’s TheAddictsMom, if you’d like to join, just look it up on Facebook.
Owner at Mom 'N Daughter Savings
I am a SAHM.My youngest is 16 now.I have 5 kids in all.We've lived in Georgia now for almost four years.We moved here from Ohio for my husband's job.I love blogging and writing about my passions.I do reviews and giveaways and I try to get homeless animals new homes.
My story is also here about loving addicts, recipes, and crafts.
My story is also here about loving addicts, recipes, and crafts.
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I’m so sorry you had to go through that horrible ordeal. My daughter is a drug addict and it has been hell on earth.
I’m so sorry you had to go through that ordeal. My daughter is a drug addict, and it has been hell on earth.
Mary Czerczyk recently posted..Have You Ever Woke Up To A Gun Pointed At You?
I am so sorry to hear that your family was put in this situation. That’s great news that your daughter is getting the help she needs. I wish your family all the best.
I found you on the “Together on Tuesday” linky.
Besos, Sarah
Journeys of The Zoo
Sarah at Journeys of The Zoo recently posted..Who Needs Electricity Anyways? #Mexico #Travel
I am very SORRY that your family had to go through that! How rude though not to let your husband use the bathroom!!! In some states, a small amount of pot is just a ticket/fine. I do see a ray of sunshine through all this though – as a parent myself, I would’ve done anything to get my child off of drugs. I too, THANK GOD that your daughter is in rehab!! She is alive , getting heathly, & looking forward to a chance of having a good life!!
This is a very scary story and I’m glad that your daughter got the help that she needed to leave that behind.
I’m sorry to hear your family is going through this. I hope and pray that your daughter will get the best help possible and turn her life around

Lisa Ehrman recently posted..Accepting Limitations of Ehlers Danlos Syndrome
Thank you so much! I really appreciate it! I’m going to read your post now.