Just Tell Yourself Its Make Believe: Or Is It?
7 Terrifying Haunted Attractions Around The World
Have you ever been to a haunted house on Halloween? One time I went to one when I lived in Ohio. Notice I said, ONE time! I will never do that again. I thought I’d like it and it would be fun, but I got so scared. It was in an old warehouse and there was so many ghosts and zombies jumping out at me, I had to keep telling myself, “it’s make-believe”! I know a lot of people enjoy this sort of thing so I thought I would. But I decided before I got out of there I wouldn’t be doing it again!
These 7 haunted attractions around the world look so amazing! I’d like to go and see the outside of them, only! Priority One Jets is sharing this with me!
The arrival of All Hallows Eve is lurking around the corner and haunted attractions housing zombies, vampires, and ghosts are popping up all over the world. While the staged acts use special effects and fog machines to conjure up a few screams, for some, the creepy history alone is enough to send chills down their spines. Whether you are looking to travel for some eerie entertainment or to hit up a historical haunt, this list has enough scary and scripted options to leave you shaking in your boots.
Eastern State Penitentiary: This Philadelphia prison was the first to practice solitary confinement. The prisoners were kept isolated and did all activities alone, until overcrowding forced the institution to abandon inmate separation. Along with this treatment, the guards and facility counselors developed different physical and psychological torture techniques that ultimately caused mental illness in many of the inmates. Since closing in 1970, visitors have reported sightings of dark figures and sounds of lonely wails echoing through the halls. The prison is open for tours year-round, along with a haunted house attraction from September to November.
13th Gate: Feel like crawling through a crematory oven? How about wandering through dark, underground tunnels? This popular Baton Rouge Halloween hot spot has been consistently rated as one of the best-haunted attractions from several outlets over the past 7 years. From September to November, 100 professional actors and 12 special effects make-up artists come together to create grisly characters such as fiendish zombies and voodoo loving witches.
See the rest of these awesome haunted places at their website, PriorityOneJets!
Have you ever gone to one that you had to tell yourself it’s just make believe?