Mom ‘N Daughter Savings is a PR Friendly Blog .
We write reviews, host giveaways, place a sidebar ad for your company, and promote your family friendly products. We are also willing to write a sponsored post, host a sponsored giveaway, or place sponsored links on our blog.
Sponsored Post – $50 – Promoted on all of my Social Media Platforms, Plus my Bloggers Groups. I belong to BlogHer, MommyBlogs, BlogPaws, BlogFrogs and Bloggymoms.
Review/Giveaway Options:
1. Just a Review – You send me a Full Sized product. I write an honest review. There is no charge.
2. Review & Giveaway – You send me a Full Sized product, I review it. Then, I also offer one of my readers a chance to win the same or another full sized product from your site. Ways to enter this giveaway would include, but not limited to, visiting your site, following your blog, following you on Twitter, and visiting your Facebook page. I use Rafflecopter for giveaways.
Both options require you to send the product (s) to the winner. Doing giveaways is a great way to get exposure and lots of customers to your site.
If you chose to do a giveaway, I post it on a lot of sweepstakes sites, such as, Contest Girl,, Momgiveaways, Cashnetsweeps, and many others. I also tweet the contest to my followers on Twitter. And I advertise it on Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, StumbleUpon, and LinkedIn. I belong to several bloggers groups, which I also promote giveaways on. Rafflecopter picks the winner with I would then send you the winner’s address .
There is no charge for a giveaway, if I receive an item to review.
Sidebar Ad – $25 for one month, $50 for three months
Sponsored Giveaway Only – $50
Stats as of 3/28/2015:
Facebook Followers: 14,498
Twitter Followers: 13,150
Pinterest Followers: 12,728
Google+ Followers: 2,078
LinkedIn 500+
Instagram 1,608
Alexa Rating: 74,402
Average age of Visitors 22-55
Most are Female with College Ed., Children
You can contact me at:
My Privacy Policy-
This blog does not share personal information with third parties nor do we store any information about your visit to this blog other than to analyze and optimize your content and reading experience through the use of cookies.
You can turn off the use of cookies at anytime by changing your specific browser settings.
We are not responsible for republished content from this blog on other blogs or websites without our permission.
This privacy policy is subject to change without notice and was last updated on October 30, 2014. If you have any questions feel free to contact me directly here: