10 Ways To Monetize Your Blog
These are a few of the places you can make money writing posts.
This is where I started and made my first $100, Sponsored Tweets. They email you a tweet and if you agree to tweet it, you get paid $10. That’s it! They also pay for referrals.
LinkVehicle is a site where you hook up with businesses and write posts to advertise for them. And get paid.
MomsAffiliate is a network you can join. They have different companies you can apply to, to be an affiliate. Also, get paid for referrals. It’s pretty new, I just recently joined. It looks like a great way to make some money.
Swagbucks is one I’ve done for a long time. You do different things, fill out surveys, answer a daily poll, watch videos, watch Swagbucks TV, and more. I’ve made about $50 or so in Gift Cards, so far. Just click here
Business2Blogger is another one, you apply for reviews and giveaways. B2B designs have very specific campaigns to suit your needs.
Smiley360 is a site where you can join and get products to review. I just recently joined, so the best thing for you would be to go there and read about it. You get to pick your favorite products, have exclusive looks at new brands, new products, and new online content. If you love to try new things you’ll like this site. Haven’t you ever tried a new product and thought, “This would be so much better if…” Well, as a smiley360.com member, you can provide that kind of feedback directly to the source. Your opinion matters. And as a fringe benefit, you’ll earn status in the smiley360.com community, which has its own perks, rewards, and opportunities. It’s a win-win situation, really. So go here to have a look!
Centerpointnetwork.com is a really good one. They have a LOT of companies and offers to pick from. Once you pick an offer, you also pick which banner you want to use. You can add it to your sidebar or write about it. They also have sponsored giveaways. Those do well.
I’m also a member of Blogher.com. I do a lot of sponsored advertising for them. It’s either a tweet or a short sentence or two on Facebook. It’s usually 8 tweets or FB advertisements during a certain amount of time. Each one then pays $50.
You can also apply to be an affiliate with . I do this too. You can have your own store on your blog, add a widget to your sidebar or pick certain items to advertise. Sometimes if I’m doing a recipe post, I put a link in it for a certain cookie sheet or baking item. This does good around the holidays.
If you go to ShareASale and sign up, there’s a lot of different stores you can apply to be an affiliate for. This is a great one because there’s so much to pick from.
Look around and see what is a good fit for your blog and your followers. Anyone can make money on their blog.
How to Add A Signature To Your Blog
Disclosure: In accordance with FTC guidelines, I am required to inform you that the above post may contain affiliate links. If these links are clicked, I may receive monetary compensation. If the above post is a product review, I received a product from the company in order to facilitate the review. I did not receive monetary compensation unless indicated. Either way, whether this post contains affiliate links and/or reviews, the opinions expressed are my own and I will only suggest or recommend sites and products that I believe will benefit my readers. If this is a giveaway, sponsors are responsible for fulfilling prizes, not the bloggers.

What a great list. I use some of them but one of my favorites is Social Spark. They pay to blog plus pay for referrals. http://izea.in/r18PC
I agree with above comment about Blogvertise. I quit using that site.
Thanks for joining the Say G’day Saturday linky Party! I had no idea there were so many options out there!
I know there are a lot of linky parties out there so I really appreciate your support.
Best wishes,
Natasha in Oz
Natasha in Oz recently posted..Be Inspired: Tuesday Tune and Words of Wisdom
Thanks for the list.
Next to Google adsense, I can recommend is amazon affiliates as well as teliad – which goes into the direction of sponsored posts.
Lots of good information. I have Google AdSense and Amazon Affiliate running on my blog right now, but so far not much going on with them. Some of these look really interesting and I’ll have to check them out. Thanks for all the info.
David Smith recently posted..Kindle Fire HDX Giveaway #giveaway
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All great tips! Thank you!
Kelley Johnsen recently posted..
Great resources! I’ve used Swagbucks but I’ll have to check out the other sites – thanks!
Dana recently posted..The Time We Were in a Disney Parade
Helpful list! I’m a big fan of Swagbucks. I’ve earned about $300 with them to date. But the only way to earn on your blog is by getting referrals correct?
Monique Seibel recently posted..
Yes, by referrals. And thank you, I’m checking into Postloop now.
Thanks for this info, but as a newbie I need to know how to first get some traffic to my site. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks!
Bev M. recently posted..
I love linkvehicle!
Erin S. recently posted..
Be careful with blogvertize they ask US bloggers to break the disclosure laws!
Kimberly C. recently posted..Autumn Blog Challenge – Day 13