Having your pet hanging his body out the window is now a punishable fine in the State of New Jersey. The Garden State is the first state to enact “Pet Buckle Up Laws.”
“You wouldn’t put your child in the car unrestrained so you shouldn’t put your pet in the car unrestrained either,” said Col. Rizzo. “What people come to realize only too late is that animals act like flying missiles in an impact and can not only hurt themselves but hurt their human family members too.”
While pets can be a danger in the car, they are also a hazard if they’re not buckled up because an unrestrained pet in an accident can delay emergency workers from acting and can even run away, which could cause another accident.
During the summer months, the NJSPCA Officers will be checking for vehicles traveling to and from the shore areas with dogs hanging their heads out of windows or unleashed dogs traveling in the open back of pick-up trucks.
So, even if you are passing through the Garden State and your pets are not restrained, the po po might git ya! Watch out!
What do you think about the new seat belt laws regarding dogs in New Jersey?
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