How To Find Your Niche
I want to tell you how I found my niche so you can find yours!
When I started blogging a little over two years ago, I named my blog Mom ‘N Daughter Savings for a reason. My daughter and I were going to post about coupons, sales and deals. I had no clue how to blog. I had been couponing and that’s how I started reading blogs. Actually, it all started because of that “now stupid” show, Extreme Couponing. I thought it was real and legal and I was going to try to do what the women on that show did. Of course, I was never able to spend $2 and get $200 worth of groceries. Plus now, stores have changed their coupon policies.
Last week I was looking through some older posts, and I decided to go back to my first one, just for fun. I couldn’t believe it! I started laughing out loud! The first ones I “wrote” were literally two and three sentences. I wrote “get some great coupons here” and then put the link. Not even any anchor text. I didn’t do enough research, obviously. I don’t even think I did any, now that I look back at those posts.
If I found an article I thought was good and worth sharing, I did the same thing. Here’s an example of one of my first posts – at least I used some anchor text. (I’m laughing here too)
Even when you’re not at home and don’t have your toothbrush, you shouldn’t go without brushing! Here’s a list of germ-laden things you should keep to yourself
That’s all I had on the whole page! LOL No wonder I had 0 visitors.
Finally, after researching and reading a lot, I actually wrote a post. This has now become part of my Niche. It’s title is ” Blogging Tips – What & How To Blog”. It has some pretty good tips, actually. So I guess I was really learning by then. Since then I’ve been reading and studying a lot! So much in fact, that I was getting overwhelmed. I tried to read and study and join every single thing I came across. I wasn’t having any time to actually write and enjoy blogging. It was effecting my anxiety to keep worrying about finding my niche.
Just keep watching, like Holly is in this photo, and your niche will come to you!
So I decided I had to stop studying every minute of the day and start blogging. So I began working on my blog more. I wrote some posts and did some reviews and giveaways. I’m enjoying it so much more now. I love reviewing products and telling my followers about them. I’m always honest about the items I recieve, otherwise, what’s the point.
Mom ‘N Daughter Savings’ blogging journey has had a lot of ups and downs. I kept feeling so pressured to “find my niche”! It finally just kind of came to me, my niche is what I’m passionate about and enjoy sharing. It’s now blogging tips, reviews and giveaways, recipes, helping people whenever I can and helping homeless pets. I love animals and I want to help some of them find homes. I’d be so happy! The adoptable pet posts are actual pets that are up for adoption. Along with Petfinder where you can look up pets for adoption in your area. Then I also have some “Paw”sitive Pet Pics and Videos just for fun. Pets can be so funny and so adorable. I could watch those videos all day.
I love sharing blogging tips and helping my fellow bloggers. I wish I could find a way to help beginners. I’d really love to do that. I wish I would’ve had someone help me when I first started. Now that I’ve looked back at the beginning of my blog, I realize how much I really have learned. I think I could really help beginners. I always offer for people to leave me any questions in my comment section.
And I love new recipes! I’ve been trying to do some baking for Halloween. Those haven’t always turned out so great. But I think I just need practice. You can see some of my fails on other posts. I included the pictures, too. It’s ok to laugh at them. I have too. So sharing recipes is part of my niche, too. Here’s a couple of the fails. They looked so much better in the pictures where I found the recipes. lol
The way to find your niche is to think about what you love and want to share. Then just start writing about those things. It will come to you!
And if there’s anything I can help you with, you can leave me a comment or email me at .
Have a Great Day! And remember, write about what you enjoy!

That’s kind of what I did. I started my blog as a place to vent and i kind of used it as a journal… and then it magically became what it was meant to be.
Great advice! I found my niche by basically writing what I like. I think that worked for me!
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wow awesome post, I knew when I started out I wanted a review blog- but it was buy stuff and review it or just talk to myself. I am scared to go back and read some of my first posts – it may be interesting haha I would like to do some couponing on my blog as well (shoppingwives) but not really informed on all that. Maybe I will research and go from there. Thanks for the post!
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