Photo Tips For Your Own Camera by: Heather Lynne
Hey Mom ‘N Daughter Savings readers! I’m Heather Lynne from Raising Memories.
I blog about fun things parents can do with & for their kids, and share my photography on the blog as well. (More fun details about me & my blog here)
I’m starting a photography tips series over at the blog, with new tips going up every Friday and I would love for you to participate!

The first post is all about how to use your flash to get better photos and you can find it right here.
Next week will be all about natural light, and we’ll be covering a variety of other topics in the coming weeks that will help you to get better photos with the camera you already have- just by becoming aware of a few things whenever you pick up your camera!
If you read the tips & are inspired to try them out, I’d love for you to share them on Instagram with the hashtag #RaisingMemories, and tag me @RaisingMemories so I can check them out!
A HUGE Thank You to Jody for inviting me to come visit on her blog and share my series with you all today!I hope you’ll come find me on Instagram & check out the tips series on the blog!