Mother Served Alcohol To 13 Year Olds! (My Story) Part 1
When I first wrote this I wasn’t ready to tell the world about my story.
But this post is about my daughter and her friend. This is how she got started.
Then she started using drugs and became an addict.
My daughter is now 22 and has told me a lot about her younger years I never knew. When she was 13, her friends mother served them alcohol.
This is how her problem with drug addiction all started. I hope this helps some of you that have teens and pre-teens.
So back when she was 13 she and her friend would spend the night at each other’s house almost every week end. They were best friends. And when they stayed at the one girl’s house, her mother would be drinking and she would let the girls drink too. It wasn’t beer, it was things like whiskey and bourbon.
When I heard this I couldn’t imagine a mother doing that. Why on earth would she want her daughter to become an alcoholic like she was? And to let her friend drink too? That’s just despicable! I would talk to her mother a bit when I went to pick up the girls from each others houses. I had no idea she was an alcoholic and was drinking around the girls, let alone giving it to them!
Well this is how my daughter, now 22 years, old got started with addiction. She got so she was drinking every day. Before she met this girl, she was an honor student. She said she felt like she was a geek and wanted to get in with the more popular crowd. That’s when they became friends. She just wanted to be accepted and have friends.

So she became part of a group of girls that all drank. And they didn’t even treat her nice. In fact, they were down right mean to her a lot of times. But she didn’t want to leave this “popular” group. So she just took the hurt and stayed. Of course her grades went down and we had no idea what was happening. She got so she missed a lot of school because she didn’t feel good in the mornings. You’re probably thinking we should have suspected, but she was never around us after drinking. We just didn’t know.
Sometime, they all started smoking marijuana. So then they were drinking and smoking. She couldn’t even make it to school a lot of days. Smoking that seems to lead to other drugs, almost always. I think people like being high and just want to try something stronger. Plus being around druggies, always makes you want to try other things.
So this went on until she was 16, that’s when Heroin became a big thing in the small town we lived in. So she tried it once and that was it. She loved it and didn’t want to stop, becoming addicted. She almost quit school when this went on for a while. But we got her into night school classes and she did graduate. At first she was snorting the heroin and no, we didn’t know. When you’re high on heroin, you’re happy and seem fine.
But when she became an actual drug addict, things started becoming different. When she didn’t have any, she would be a complete mess, to say the least. Yelling and just being a different person, completely. During withdrawal you have physical pain. Needless to say we soon figured it out. She was put in re-hab for a month. We got to visit her there and we thought she was fine and everything was going to go back to normal when she got home.

We just didn’t know anything about addiction, except what we were reading and hearing from counselors. Most people go right back to drug use once they get out of re-hab. Especially when they go back home to the same place and all the same friends. She should’ve gone to a half-way house, but we didn’t know that back then. Plus she was so young, still.
This went on for a few years, in and out of re-habs. She always said she really wanted to quit, but once she got home she just couldn’t resist. It really is a disease and something that you have to learn to control and deal with. She was even put on medication at one point. It was supposed to keep her from having any cravings for heroin. That didn’t even work out. But she wasn’t taking them every day, either.
Then we moved out of state for her father’s job. We thought this would be a great thing, to get her away from that town. For the first couple weeks, she just stayed home and was looking into going to college. Then one night she went out, determined to make some friends and have something to do sometimes. Well, that’s when it all started again.
I hope my writing about addiction helps people! I think we all need to ban together and know we’re not alone. I’ll be writing more about all this. And there’s other posts under “Addiction” at the top of this page.
If you have any questions or comments, please let me know. I’m not an expert, but I would do everything I could to help you. Good luck and have a wonderful day!
I’ll be writing Part 2 in a couple days. So if you want to, come back and read what happened next. Or sign up for my email for more posts. (Upper right corner). Only if you want to.

That is so sad. I’m not sure what else to say…
I will comment back http://www.oldefashionmom.com/
Joyce recently posted..8/20/14 Joy Dare…
As a parent of three teenagers, I am appalled that any parent would think it was ok to make a parenting choice like this for someone else’s child. Kids have enough temptations from friends…it’s unfathomable to me that we should have to worry about their friends’ parents as well, who should know better. I am so sorry for what you have been through.
Michelle @ A Dish of Daily Life recently posted..Parenting Choices: When a Parent Crosses the Line
thank you so much for stopping by and for commenting! I know just what you mean, we shouldn’t have to worry about our kid’s friends parents. That’s crazy! But as you can see, I should have! And thanks for the sorry, I appreciate it so much!
That is such a great article you wrote about, it’s also very said. But this is the kind of blogging that really inspires me to write things on my blog. Great job !
You know there is all different kinds of drugs out there, and different things kids can get hooked on just to be popular from drugs, cigarettes, when silly clothes, and they do anything to get it like lying. My son got hooked on lying about every single thing to where even he doesn’t even know the truth. He still does it until this day & it drives me nuts. Such a thing that you can’t just dry out from. Kids just take the easy way out it’s a dose of lazy and then they’re addicted.
Unfortunately, I have seen a few kids go down this same path that is very destructive and takes away their childhood. This is so very sad.
Such a sad story one I fear that his happening all too often. I thank God that I never went down that path and I am thankful my daughter didn’t get wrapped up in drugs which I here were all around her high school.