Disney Holiday Celebration Event! WW
There will be 9 winners!
All winners will recieved a gift card to the Disney Store! 2 Grand Prizes of $500 to spend in there!

Welcome to the Disney Themed Holiday Celebration Event! This event is sponsored by Our World Travel and is hosted by Dixieland Reviews with Co-Hosts, , Mom at 40 and Mom ‘N Daughter Savings.
2- $500 Disney Gift Cards
2- $250 Disney Gift Cards
5- $100 Disney Gift Cards
All winning entries will be verified. Winners will be notified via email and will have 24 hours to respond. If no response is received, then winner forfeits the prize and a new winner will be chosen. Not responsible for late or misdirected emails. Please add to your email safe list to avoid notification going to your spam folder in the event that you win. Once winner has responded, the winners name will be announced on our winners page.
Entry is simple, just complete the tasks on the Giveaway Tool below. Please note, there is only 1 (ONE) mandatory entry on this tool, all other entries are optional, however by doing them, you get extra entries which means more chances of winning! Entries will be verified.

Cherish every moment
I would put Revelation 21:4 “And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”
I would put Slow down and enjoy the time you have.
“Happy Holidays to all and may you have a wonderful New Year”
I would say “Thanks to my parents. You taught me everything I know about love and parenting!”
I would put, “We need peace and love in this world NOW! Stop the hatred and Violence!”
Make today awesome!
Keep the faith
Love is not defined. It just is.
I would put, “Larry will you marry me….again……in the Bahamas!!
My message would be: Do unto others as you’d have them do unto you.
Be THANKFUL and love those you have in your life TODAY. Because in an instant they may be gone. Be kind and LOVE!!!
All We Need Is Love!
I would put “I love you for all that you do and for everything you are to me and my family. You both inspire us and set the example to what a marriage should be. Happy 50th Anniversary!” For my amazing in laws.
LOL okay me, too, I’d put Mitt Romney for President ! Or just an I love you, Husband… LOL
I would put “Everything Happens for a Reason.”
id say “thanks mom for being amazing” just because shes my best friend and i try to tell her i love her at least 3 times a day but i think parents are under appreciated so this would be a really nice grand gesture of thankfulness
I would put Make Love Not War
I would put up pictures and happy 50th wedding anniversary to my parents.
I would put “Life is worth living, get up and do something!”
I would put, I come check out SensoryMamaSavingCents.com and I love my family

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I would put Happy Birthday to my son as my message for all to see.
I would say “If it is to be, it is up to me”
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I would put – Mitt Romney for President 2016
I would put, “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” -Gandhi
Celebrate with family
I dont like to get too deep on political stuff, especially online! I do have to say my message would be something to Americans to wake up and see that our Government is trying to radically reduce the population and start the NWO and we need to ban together and stop them!
I would put ” I love you guys”
I would want to put a message to remind people to be kind.
Peace not War is maybe something I would put there
I would put “You Matter” because so many people nowadays think they don’t. Everyone does!!
I would put Have faith!
Right now because our team made the state playoffs semifinals I’d say “Go Warriors”
I would put “Congratulations to my niece, Hilary, on the birth of her son.”
I’d put “Live, Laugh, Love”
Probably something simple like ” be kind”.
i would put our deli logo on it, thats a great idea, my husband is going to love this. great advertisment for any company.
we have a deli called Dileo’s Italian Deli and we have been open for almost four years and we have not done any advertisement other than we went into one of those coupon books once and we really had no response, so this i think would be kind of cool and have a better outcome
I would say ” Happy Birthday to my sweet granddaughter, Ally”
Jesus loves you!
I would put a Congratulations to my son for graduating High School and best wishes for his career in the Army!
I think I’ll leave the message: “Family – cherish them”.
Jessamine D. recently posted..
I would put my blog address on it.
tara pittman recently posted..
When my son graduates from College, I would put “Congratulations Trey Easterling from Graduating from College.