With The Help Of My Daughter In Jail, I Got Through Christmas
We got to visit her three days before Christmas
When we left I did cry
When we went to see her three days before Christmas I was prepared to be pretty sad, but not show it. She was in good spirits and looked really good. She talked and joked with us and even asked her older sister what the kids were getting. It’s so hard to see her in this place, knowing she can’t ever even go outside! And knowing that I will be leaving her there once again.
She always tells me she is fine and that she’s gotten used to it. But I know she’s unhappy there. Of course. She hides her sadness from me the most. She doesn’t want me to be upset. That’s the kind of person she always was and is now, again.
But when we left the look on her face was just so sad. I knew she was going to cry when we were gone. She misses being with us, especially this time of year! But she told me not to worry that everything is ok. But when we left I couldn’t help but cry. I hate it so much that she’s in jail at Christmas! I’m sure everyone would hate that!
I told her on the phone to just keep in mind that we’re all looking forward to next year when she’s home with us. And she said yes that she had thought of that! So today, during Christmas with the rest of my family I just kept that in mind. I have a couple of pictures of her on the mantle with the decorations. And I thought about her all day.
This evening she called and said they had a bit of a Christmas dinner and that it was good. They also got a package of some extra goodies, with chips and candy and some good snacks. So that was good. She sounded upbeat and said that today was just like any other day for her. So we all got through the day.
However, I miss her so much! I just pray she’s clean and here with us next year! I do worry that when she gets out of re-hab she will relapse, but I guess that’s just always going to be on my mind. There’s nothing we can do but pray and hope! And try to keep in mind how well things are going right now.

Wow, you are one brave and strong lady. Being a mum you never want to see your child in this kind of situation. Here’s to wishing and hoping that she takes the hard path, and stays clean and begins to enjoy her life. Here’s to you being strong and being there for her when she needs you. Good luck mate….
BritishMumUSA recently posted..How to Annoy Your Teenager
My heart breaks for all of you. Will be praying for her and for you also the rest of your family.
This just breaks my heart. I know how hard that it is on you. I am going through something similar with my step-daughter. Prayers that she can stay clean.
I’m sorry to hear that! I know how hard it is. I hope things turn out well for her! Sending prayers your way. Check out addictmoms.com if you’d like to have some support.
Just wanted to say i will pray forher and all your family.
Thank you so much! I hope you had a wonderful holiday!