Who Am I? #Blogging101
If you’re wondering who I am, here’s a bit about myself.
There’s a lot to say, but I’ll try to keep it short.

Well first of all I am a Stay At Home Mom, Blogger. This picture is my favorite place in the whole world. I want to live at the beach some day! My family always comes first in my life. I have 5 kids, and 4 grandkids. We also have 3 dogs, 1 cat and 1 bird. lol I know, it’s a lot! I love animals! I’d rescue every single one of them that need it, if I could! So I do write about adopting pets, that’s the best way to get one!
Two of my daughters are addicts. They were using Heroin and Meth. Yes they’re both clean today. One of them is in jail right now, waiting for re-hab. My other one lives here at home and is trying to get her life together. I write a lot about addiction and my story. I pray for addicts every day. Relapsing and dying is an epidemic now. The Facebook groups I’m in are all trying to get the word out about addiction being a disease. I sure hope some of my posts help some people.
Depression and anxiety are a part of everyone in my family. So we have to deal with that, too. I truely hope my posts help people! I wish I would have had blogs to read back when I was first depressed and involved in my daughters addictions.
I also like to cook and make up recipes, so those are also on my blog. It’s fun to share and find recipes. And I do reviews and giveaways for my followers. I’m in big some ones, so they love them.
Four weeks ago today I started a weight loss journey. I’ve been exercising and eating much better. I have posts about what I eat and drink (smoothies). I’ve learned how to boost metabolism, so people can learn that here. So far I’ve lost 13 lbs.! So it’s working out pretty well.
My goal for this year is to meet new people, help people that have these problems and get some pets adopted. I’m really excited about being in The Daily Post Blogging101 class. I would love to just meet everyone! Feel free to leave me a message if you need to talk about any of this.
Thank you for stopping by! Have a wonderful day!

|It was nice to read about you and your family! We do have something in common. We Love animals too! We also believe in adoption for pets. We have 2 dogs One is a Pug & One is a Yorkie. They are such Good Boys we love them so Much. We also had a Amazon Parrot ( Red Lore) He passed away just a few months ago. :0( We were so crushed he was a Good Boy too. We had him for 37 yrs. Really miss him.. Don’t know why he died. He was screaming and nothing was there or anyone around him. Found him laying on the Bottom of his cage a few hrs later dead! RIP MY Kernel!! I Have 2 grown married Daughters, 8 Grandchildren & 4 Great Grand Children& Another one Due in May! We will be married for 50 years next month. God Bless you and your family! have a Great Day!
Cathy, So sorry to hear about your parrot! I know it’s heartbreaking to lose a pet. We lost a dog a few months ago. I loved her so much! that’s awesome you’ve been married that long. We’ve been married for 32 years with 4 grandchildren, so far. We have 5 kids. Thank you for your comment! God Bless you and your family! You have a great day too!
Enjoyed reading more about you. Sounds as if we have a few things in common. We have just one little rescue here … an 8 year old little Chihuahua. She’s a sweetie! I look forward to looking around your blog more when I have more time!