How To Help Your Addict – List
These are ways to help your children!
When they have the disease of addiction, they need a lot!

1. Give them unconditional love. You can still use “tough love” but you want to always tell them you love them no matter what!
2. Do not let them live with you, when using. That’s enabling them. You can’t put yourself or your other children through this. And they need to know they have to quit to have what they need.
3. If they steal from you, turn them in to the police. They have to be responsible for their own actions and of course, they get clean in jail. So they Are safe there.
4. They have to go to a good rehab to get the help they need. Even if they were in jail and got clean, they still need rehab to learn how to live. The longer and more intense the drug use, the longer and more intense the treatment needs to be.
5. Addicts need to turn to God or their higher power, and let him help them. As parents, we also need to do this. I pray every day for all of us.
6. If you don’t want to approach them about rehab yourself, you can get an Intervention Specialist to help. And have a rehab ready to take them in.
7. I have a book list for addicts and their loved ones – Just Go Here
8. After rehab, a half way house is always a good idea. They need to learn how to be out there and not use. This way, they go to meetings and get drug tested. And they need to have a sponsor. (A person who is recovering)
9. They need to have new friends, and not be around any of the old ones, they used with. When they can recognize their triggers, they will learn to stay away from them.
10. Tell them to try different things, when they get stressed. They can exercise, do yoga, listen to calming music, and whatever you think would help them be calm.
11. We have to let them feel the bottom on their own. Then they will finally want to get help. This is what happened with my daughter. She was injecting Meth with a needle! And using Heroin and probably more. She asked us for help.
12. Also, when they are out and on their own, they can get medication to help them stay clean. There’s Suboxone, Vivitrol, a once a month shot, and they both block the effect of opiates on brain cells. So if they try to use, it won’t get them high.
13. Therapy when they are out on their own, is also a very good idea. Especially if they have depression, anxiety, bi-polar or anything else bothering them.
14. Remember, when an addict is talking, they are lying. And when they’re using, they tend to get angry, so be careful, there. Try to talk to them calmly.
15. One more thing, they tend to break the law to get money for their DOC. So you might want to be prepared for them to be in jail at some point.
I have dealt with two addicted daughters for 10 years now. In the beginning we were totally enabling them. We just didn’t know all that we do now. My story is on here under “addiction posts” at the top of this page. There’s also other helpful posts about heroin, the brain on drugs and symptoms, etc.
A year ago my daughter was in a so-called half-way house and they were letting them use! So be careful when searching for one. I’m trying to find a good one now in Georgia. Once I click on one, I’m going to do a lot of research on it.
There’s a site you can go to for more help, TheAddictsMom. I’m a member there and there’s a lot of other moms too, about 20,000 I think. It’s awesome to read stories there. And get lots of support.
There’s also Facebook groups you can join, Al-Anon, TheAddictsMom, and there’s a group for each state. Mine is . We all support each other and talk about what we’re going through.
If you have any questions for me, please let me know. When you comment below it won’t become visible until it’s approved. And if you want it to stay private just tell me. Or my email is .
I love supporting and helping others!
Owner at Mom 'N Daughter Savings
I am a SAHM.My youngest is 16 now.I have 5 kids in all.We've lived in Georgia now for almost four years.We moved here from Ohio for my husband's job.I love blogging and writing about my passions.I do reviews and giveaways and I try to get homeless animals new homes.
My story is also here about loving addicts, recipes, and crafts.
My story is also here about loving addicts, recipes, and crafts.
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I hope and pray I never have to go through this. Thanks for sharing!
I think you have compiled a great list. Addiction is a very sad disease and not only harms the person using, but it affects those who care about the addict too. It’s very easy for us to be angry at the addict, but we have to remember they are still a person with feelings (even though it seems they are numb to others feelings). With lots of prayer, loved ones of addicts can stay strong and move forward. And I agree with what Sue wrote above, if the addict doesn’t truly want help, as soon as they get out, they will find a way to get what they want and keep using.
A local resource in my area for families of addicts and addicts themselves is the Davis Direction Foundation. I’m sure Missy Owen would love if you shared their info so that they may be a resource to someone you know. Check them out at or
Hello Tish, Thank you! I’m trying to help others. I’m going to The Davis Direction now so I’ll probably share some info on this site!
Thanks again!
Excellent advice ! I have been affected also by addiction in major ways. It is the worst thing I’ve ever experienced. I lost a brother to an overdose so I know personally how addiction affects everyone.
Child has to want to be helped or else they will keep on doing the drugs.