#Valentine Heart Cookies – Outlining & Flooding Technique
I’ve been learning the outlining and flooding technique for cookie decorating. So I thought I’d share it with all of you!
You’ll see some mistakes, for this is the first time I’ve done this. I think showing you those, will help you when you attempt this technique.
It’s fun to do, although it took me some time. But with practice I’m sure I’ll get faster and better.
I love doing this and they can come out so nice and smooth.
You can find a Sugar Cookie Recipe Here!
After cooling your cookies, you should really use the Royal Icing Recipe to decorate them.
To start, put most of the icing in a bowl and color it pink. Use as little food coloring as possible, like 1/8 of a teaspoon. You can add more if you have to. If you use too much it changes the consistency of the icing. Cover the bowl of pink with wax paper. Keep a small amount of white for the outlining.
So to outline around the edges, put your white icing in a piping bag or baggie. Use the smallest tip for this or cut a very small hole in the baggie. Pipe around the edges, this acts as a dam for the flooding you will be doing next.

Now for the flooding of the pink icing, you might need to add a 1/2 teaspoon water to it before you start. To test it, take a spoonful of it and let it drip off into the bowl. If it rests on top for 2 seconds before sinking down in, it’s ready. If not, add just a tad more water and test it again.
Then put it in your bag and start filling in the middle of the cookie, – flooding. It will spread somewhat on it’s own. Just put it in the middle and then smooth it around with a toothpick or the end of a skewer to work it in to the nook and crannies. There’s a great video here on a wonderful, no mess way, to fill the bags.

In my pictures at the top you can see some mistakes I made. I didn’t get the pink icing clear to the edges in some places. So just make sure to move it over with a toothpick or skewer. And if there’s a bubble that comes up,which it probably will, bust it diagonally with a toothpick.
Now these have to dry for several hours. I didn’t do it long enough and I put Saran Wrap on them and it made marks on them. If you leave them to dry overnight it would be best. I’m going to do that next time!
I hope this helps you get some pretty cookies! If you have any tips for me, please let me know. Like I said, I’m just starting out on decorating. I just love it! Don’t you?
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I really appreciate you!
My story is also here about loving addicts, recipes, and crafts.
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