The Beginning of My Nightmare
You’ll learn about my life here.
I really hope none of you have gone through any of this!
The beginning of my nightmare was when my oldest daughter was 18 and she started using heroin! She met the wrong people and started hanging out with them. She had a b/f who was the lowest, most horrible person I had ever known. I’m not talking about him being an addict. He was just a mean, terrible person! He treated my daughter like total crap. I didn’t know at the time all the things he was doing. But she was out on her own and doing what she thought she wanted to.
We lived in a small town back then in Ohio. I grew up there and there was no big crime events, no drugs at all like Heroin. I mean pot was around, sure, but that was about it. When heroin became an epidemic there it was just shocking.
When I was young and growing up there, we didn’t even have to lock our doors. Our bikes could be left in the yard overnight and nothing would happen to them. Now, they have to be brought inside or locked in the garage.
Heroin has overtaken so many young people. My daughter wanted to “fit in” and have friends so she thought she could handle, using. Of course it became horrible. She would steal from us; money, checks, video games, anything she could sell for drug money. Her so-called boyfriend had her go into stores and steal video cameras and other things, so they could pawn them. And then he would buy drugs for himself only, most of the time. She had to get some on her own.
She used to ask us to use our car and we said no, of course. And one time she came home and found the keys and stole the car. She got arrested in another town about 30 miles away. The police told us when he stopped her, she could barely even walk when he told her to get out of the car. So he probably saved her life! At that time, we had no idea what to do, we went and bailed her out.
All of this happened 9 years ago. She ended up going to re-hab 4 times. They were all short-term. Every time she went we thought that would be the end of her using. We just didn’t know anything about addiction. Of course, she always went back to it when she came home. It IS a disease!
She would be gone for days and I was so afraid for her, every minute she was gone. When she needed something she would come home and cry to me because she was in withdrawal. Once a friend of hers overdosed and died and she was just devastated. When she found out, she walked out on the front porch and just collapsed onto the floor, crying very loudly out there. I went out and bent down to her and got her back inside. Later that day she left and just went out to get high.
I remember going all over town looking for her so many times. We knew of about three places she might be (at her friends houses). She was never there when we were looking for her though. So we’d just drive around and see if they were walking around town. One time I found them walking, and the low-life she called her b/f had spit on her! I was so angry, to say the least! I just cried to her and wanted her to stop being around him!
After about two years of all this Hell, her father told her she had to move out permanently. That’s when she went into re-hab and got on Suboxone. That was the end of using for her. And to this day, she’s been clean!
After she was using for about a year, her younger sister started shooting up Heroin! That’s for another post, another day!
If you have any questions or comments, please let me know, below. I’d be glad to help anyone as much as I can!
Owner at Mom 'N Daughter Savings
I am a SAHM.My youngest is 16 now.I have 5 kids in all.We've lived in Georgia now for almost four years.We moved here from Ohio for my husband's job.I love blogging and writing about my passions.I do reviews and giveaways and I try to get homeless animals new homes.
My story is also here about loving addicts, recipes, and crafts.
My story is also here about loving addicts, recipes, and crafts.
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You are so true addiction is a disease. I am glad your oldest daughter is clean. I am looking forward to following your post!
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